Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Bumps

Can you believe she is already 30weeks. Her belly is tiny and in fact some of the pictures didn't turn out as well as planned because she is so small. We are going to do a second shoot in another month. I'm having issues with my studio during afternoon sessions, this day in particular the full sun was beating in. A sheer curtain is definitely an upcoming purchase. during the shoot I moved her to the other side of the room but without enough light i was forced to try out my new flash. it worked well and saved the session, but i still prefer the natural light over a bounced flash anyday.

Holiday Cards

I've uploaded some cards I made for clients this past fall/winter. (feel free to double click on them to get a closer look). I had so much fun creating these from scratch. It was pretty time consuming though so I may consider buying one of the many templates online for next year and forgo the custom creations. There are so many creative people out there to purchase from. And I am always looking for ways to improve my time management.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I figured it was finally time to jump on the bandwagon and add a blog to my photography website. Everyone else is doing it, so twist my arm! I'll do my best updating it with my latest favorite shots, client previews, current specials, and any other exciting news I have to share.

Snowy NC

We had quite the mid Jan. snowstorm here in Raleigh. This little guy couldn't get enough of the winter wonderland. He spent most of the day walking back and forth trudging through the snow. His poor mom was exhausted by the end of the day. Nothing like chasing around a 2yr old in the snow while you're pregnant. It was so cute watching his excitement and looking adorable in his Nautica attire I couldn't resist snapping a few. He's one of my favorite little guys.

Sweet Sophie

The other Sophia a.ka. Sophie is a neighbor and close friend of my girls. She's the sweetest little kid and always up for anything. I bought this hat the other day and couldn't wait to try it out on someone. Of course my girls wanted nothing to do with it until Sophie came over. The serious shot was staged I swear she really wasn't unhappy! She played the role really well though and I think its my favorite photo of her.